Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tweedledum has launched!

She floats!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Productive Saturday

Eli did some "pitchforking" on the new patio spot for a little cash(*),  I built some new sawhorses, made a garden support fence for the new garden, organized my garage workshop and cleaned up the boat area.  Whew!  Oh yah I got part for my scrollsaw foot switch project and a bit of wood for the "homemade cam clamp" project.

Jill got her hair done and Lily covered herself with tattoos now that her airbrush tat set has more ink!

* he pulled a Tom Sawyer and got Lily and Darcy to help out, but we made sure he compensated them.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Well, she's white! Need to do the red trim and a coat of shiny clear stuff and we'll be all set. Forgot the life jacket(s) up at the cabin though. Either I go shopping or wait until Labor Day.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Painted lady

Got a coat of primer on the Tweedle Dum, got the oars to the point of needing a little more glass and they'll be all caught up.

Lily even helped with the painting!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tweedle Dum

Tonight I finished the last of the epoxy and fiberglass on the boat*. Tomorrow I'll start the final sanding and then painting. Got some paint at Home Depot. Pretty sure I've shored up, epoxied, and glassed more than I need to on "it's just a rowboat" and I am really confident the Tweedle Dee will take about a third of the time to do now that I know what I'm doing.

Jill and the kids are visiting relatives tonight, so I enjoyed some late boat work and the rain. I've done my obsessive reading about boats and boat building, and when I'm not working on it I'm thinking about working on it, or the next one, or the next next one. But when I'm in the garage working on it time stands still and the only thing I'm thinking about it wood, water, epoxy, and sandpaper. It's nice to have a meditation like that.

* The oars still need some epoxy and glassing, but since I'm clamping one of them with every clamp I've got right now, it'll take a few more days to finish up the second one.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

.. progress ..

It's always a good thing to make some progress.

  • Finished filleting the inside seams
  • Taped inside seams
  • Began work on supports, finished mid-ship support and fore-side supports
  • Rough cut all support pieces
  • Removed braces, boat didn't snap in half or anything traumatic, yay!
Got some more hardware, clamps, drill bits, etc. That was exciting, as always. :) And I'm not counting it on the boat total. In fact, I'm not counting the prices or hours of the boat. I've learned that it's all about the process, all about the craft, and all about the journey.

I'm also so much more embedded in the idea of a chugger. Oh, and did I mention the Tweedle-Dee won't likely nest in the 'Dum? Those added supports and all. But that's ok. The intention of the two was that "there is another one somewhere", just like in the movie.

New Mantra: "It's just a rowboat" - replaced "that's for the shop, it's not included in the cost of the boat"

Monday, August 10, 2009


Sanded the rest of the bottom and flipped* her. Got another gunwale on and the inner and outer gunwales on the transom. Also got a whole side of the inner seam filleted and glassed. I know already that I'll have to go back over it and do the epoxy thing on the stitchpoints a bit, but otherwise it looks good. Used a little different tape as well as a new mantra ("It's only a rowboat") and the fiberglassing job looks better already.

Jill's dad is coming to town this weekend and I'm rushing to get as much done as possible in an effort to get her painted before he can see my shoddy glassing and sanding job. :) Actually I want to get the grunt work done so I can work on some of the detail stuff and show off with the scrollsaw.

I should get to work on those oars, too.

* When building a larger boat the transition from working on the hull (upside down boat) to working on the righted portion seems to be a big deal. And rightfully so. Often it's been a long, long time and a lot of hard work to finish the bottom of the boat. It's also one of those times when you have to call all your friends and get them to help you turn it over. So when you finally get it flipped not only have you worked really hard, but it's time for the fun building stuff to start.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tweedle Dum

Day two of the build and I'm ready for fiberglassing.  Spent too much money at West Marine but I got the West System for glass and epoxy.  Mantra of my shopping at West and Home Depot was "this is for the workshop, not the boat" so my cost is still low. :)

Went with zipties instead of screws and I really like it so far.  Looks even better than the model!  Tubbier, but "smarter" somehow.

Just call me Jethro Gibbs.  :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Tweedle-Dum

Tonight I went to Menards -- and then Home Depot -- and picked up the first materials for my boat. It's a variant on the stitch and glue style of a simple dinghy. A portuguese dinghy, actually.

Backing up..

I couple years ago I stumbled across a web site of a guy from Finland. He makes boats. For fun. He makes charts, analyzes displacement, spends hours and days and weeks thinking about boats. Little boats. And he has all sorts of plans for them online. One of them struck me as particularly beautiful. The portuguese dinghy. So I decided I needed to make one. (Soon after someone got featured on for building the very same boats -- although I'm not grooving on his paint job)

Side note..

Another idea I had revolves around walking across Lake Calhoun or Harriet. In the winter, of course. But every year I keep forgetting or postponing and never get around to doing it. (We did cross Bear Lake this year though, which was cool!)

But to convey myself across a lake in a boat of my own making? How cool is that? It both fulfills the "cross a whole lake" and involves buying things, noodling with tools, and dealing with dead trees. Perfect fit.

Ok, so for years (literally) co-workers and family and friends alike all got sick of hearing "this summer I'm going to build my boat" or "this winter would be a good time to do it and this time I totally will!" I asked for quarter inch marine-grade plywood for Christmas and my birthday. I hit Hannu's site so many times I'm probably a quarter of his traffic. For the longest time I held out for the $80 a sheet marine grade plywood, but talking to a friend on the TNR and reading up a bit more I decided screwing up a $15 sheet of plywood is better than screwing up an $80 sheet. Cost for two sheets and some screws and more titebond-3 and fiberglass fabric? $60. Woot!

Happily, tonight I'm on my way.

I'm naming it the "Tweedle-Dum" and the next one (oh yeah!) is the same style, shorter dimensions -- it's on the same plan as the 'dum, and it'll be the "Tweedle-Dee." Bonus points if you know where I got those names. No, it's not from Alice in Wonderland.

And then I'd love to build an Escargot. Or a teardrop camper for our trailer. Or maybe a little house for Lake George. Oh the places I'll go.. Or dream about. After I propel myself across a lake I want to sleep in a structure of my own making. Yeah, I'm odd.