Wednesday, April 28, 2010

After You, underbelly of a project

A simple progress update during what I consider to be the most boring part of the build - the bottom. People are asking me if I'm building a trailer, as it looks a bit like a pickup truck camper when it's upside down like this:

That picture also demonstrates my system for attaching the strakes. Since they're meant to take a lot of abuse I have not screwed them on, just epoxy (and fillet on the edges). That way they can be replaced without dealing with a screwhole in the hull and whatnot. I intend to place a layer of aluminum on them as well. (Not even thinking about how hard it would be to remove those, as the epoxy is like rock.)

We have bees!

Our wonderful neighbors down the block have an auxiliary beehive in our yard. They do the work, we get a cut of the honey and some awesome garden pollinators. I was working, however, later in the evening and a few of them were attracted to the lights in the garage. After their first encounter with the light they usually fell bee-screaming on top of the boat. I have not yet had to sand one out of the epoxy yet, but I'm not holding my breath.

Epoxy and fiberglass has been going well. I'm getting better at it the more I do it, and while this isn't a "sloppy" job (ok, maybe it is) it's not the neatest in the world, either. Instead of full on fiberglass fabric I'm using fiberglass drafting tape. I used it on the tweedle-dum and it worked quite nicely while keeping the price down. Since the majority of Chugger builds have been done without fiberglass and in some cases without epoxy, I'm confident my system will be adequate. I'm using a ton of epoxy to ensure I have a good seal as well as some additional strength, but with the internal framing and the filleting I'm going to have a hearty vessel. My only concern is going too heavy, but it's all good.

Also, I'm getting pretty crafty with solutions:

Because sometimes you just have to encourage things to lay flat.

The last time I got to see the interior it was well framed and ready for the bunk topping, table building, and more importantly, corner sealing.

Lily and I had just installed the bulkhead and then proceeded to build ourselves into the boat. It was a stressful moment for Lily, but I had it all planned out. After egressing via the window Dukes of Hazzard style, I cut a hatch (picture flipped from upside down view) and finished out the framing.

The inside of the cabin will be covered with a light slatted wood that I managed to stain and seal last week. I can't wait to assemble and install it. Its going to look quite nice! And it's plenty light so I'm not concerned about the added weight. Next to all the 2x2 lumber in there it's a drop in the bucket. Speaking of weight, the boat can be lifted from one end, but it takes two people to life the whole thing from both ends. I can flip it on it's side quite easily, it's just a matter of making sure it has a soft landing. It does not feel topheavy, and after the layers of epoxy, glass, and strakes on the bottom it'll be even more bottom-heavy.

Still working on the last coats of epoxy on the bottom as well as paint, then will turn it on one side to epoxy, add a lower section of tape, fillets, etc. Then to flip it on the next side and do the same. After that the bottom will be hard as a rock, fully cured and dry, and I can flip her upright to finish off the cabin, painting and such. It's hard to see the final product when it's flipped, so I'm buying little boat bits (cleats, hinges, etc.) here and there to keep reminded..

Sunday, April 18, 2010

After You

More progress! Finally got enough woodwork done to feel I was ready to flip her and get started on the bottom glassing and such. Did some filleting and remembered how much I love the smell of epoxy. Seriously! It's a smell I associate with boatbuilding and it just puts me in a happy place. Sometimes quite literally, but we try and make sure it's ventilated.

She's on the trailer now so I can work in the garage and roll her out to the driveway for sanding - was grinding away on the chines today and had many folks stop to ask about her. At one point I'm off in lalaland sanding and when I turned off the orbital I jumped a foot in the air. There were four people standing there watching. They laughed and asked about the boat. Very friendly, but scared the hell out of me. :)

Really excited about the coming work. It's a bit of a grind, but it's a grind I know how to do. Hopefully will do it well, not poorly.


  • Cut the bunk - need to rework how that's going to be built. Need better access to the flotation storage.
  • Built the bulkhead, framed it, double backed it, cut the hatch. Made the whole boat as solid as a rock
  • Removed and reattached the rear transom. I wasn't happy with the warp it had. Is better now.
  • Stained the cabin wallboards. Another example of "just get it done" as well as a classic "I'll be in in just a few minutes" hour.
  • Got some stuff at Homer's, including acetone in order to remove the epoxy from my hands. And a huge box of gloves for future epoxy work. :)
All is well.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

After You

Didn't take pictures but I got a bit of work done on the boat last night. Placed the initial bulkhead supports in between the cabin and cockpit. Cut, framed, and built a cover for the forward deck hatch. Came up with a (hopefully) simple, clean, useful solution for the table/bunk support in the cabin. Measured and planned front window framing, decided on a non-removable window and rounded ends. I can square them up later if I decide that's too much hassle but I really like the look.

As with any boat project, this will no doubt take longer than I suspected. I'm still hoping to be able to make it to the mess-about in June, but I'm prepared for it to be an incomplete build if I do. By incomplete I mean not necessarily having all the accessories/shiny bits. Some things are required, like a sound hull. :)

And I'm still trying to decide at which point I stop messing around and flip it to begin the glassing and epoxy process on the hull.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A bit more of After You

Had a short but great day! While waiting to go off to Easter Dinner at Mom's, Lily convinced me to do a little work on the boat, so we worked on making sure all the screws were flush or better. Some of them were a bit hastily drilled so we tidied them up a bit.

After coming home from our Easter Feast I dug in and framed the bunks and managed to get the top laid down by the time I finished up for the night. Next: bulkhead and figuring out what to do with the cockpit.

After You

Kicked butt today. Lily (daughter, 7) has been helping me quite a bit. She's very excited about working on the boat and likes to hand me the screws or draw the measurement lines, etc. We'll see if she likes to sand! :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

After You

Went 3D and even got the bottom on.  A bit more internal framing and it'll be time to bring out the noxious epoxy and paint fumes!